Source code for dinero.card

from dinero.log import log
from dinero import get_gateway
from dinero.base import DineroObject

[docs]class CreditCard(DineroObject): """ A representation of a credit card to be stored in the gateway. """ def __init__(self, gateway_name, customer_id, **kwargs): self.gateway_name = gateway_name self.customer_id = customer_id = kwargs @log
[docs] def save(self): """ Save changes to a card to the gateway. """ gateway = get_gateway(self.gateway_name) gateway.update_card(self)
[docs] def delete(self): """ Delete a card from the gateway. """ gateway = get_gateway(self.gateway_name) gateway.delete_card(self) return True
def __setattr__(self, attr, val): if attr in ['customer_id', 'data', 'gateway_name']: self.__dict__[attr] = val else:[attr] = val @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dict): return cls(dict['gateway_name'], dict['customer_id'], **dict['data'] ) def __repr__(self): return "CreditCard(({customer_id!r}, **{data!r})".format(**self.to_dict())