Source code for dinero.transaction

from dinero import exceptions, get_gateway
from dinero.log import log
from dinero.base import DineroObject

[docs]class Transaction(DineroObject): """ :class:`Transaction` is an abstraction over payments in a gateway. This is the interface for creating payments. """ @classmethod @log
[docs] def create(cls, price, gateway_name=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a payment. This method will actually charge your customer. :meth:`create` can be called in several different ways. You can call this with the credit card information directly. :: Transaction.create( price=200, number='4111111111111111', year='2015', month='12', # optional first_name='John', last_name='Smith,' zip='12345', address='123 Elm St', city='Denver', state='CO', cvv='900', email='', ) If you have a :class:`dinero.Customer` object, you can create a transaction against the customer. :: customer = Customer.create( ... ) Transaction.create( price=200, customer=customer, ) Other payment options include ``card`` and ``check``. See :class:`dinero.CreditCard` for more information. """ gateway = get_gateway(gateway_name) resp = gateway.charge(price, kwargs) return cls(, **resp)
@classmethod @log
[docs] def retrieve(cls, transaction_id, gateway_name=None): """ Fetches a transaction object from the gateway. """ gateway = get_gateway(gateway_name) resp = gateway.retrieve(transaction_id) return cls(, **resp)
def __init__(self, gateway_name, price, transaction_id, **kwargs): self.gateway_name = gateway_name self.price = price self.transaction_id = transaction_id = kwargs @log
[docs] def refund(self, amount=None): """ If ``amount`` is None dinero will refund the full price of the transaction. Payment gateways often allow you to refund only a certain amount of money from a transaction. Refund abstracts the difference between refunding and voiding a payment so that normally you don't need to worry about it. However, please note that you can only refund the entire amount of a transaction before it is settled. """ gateway = get_gateway(self.gateway_name) # TODO: can this implementation live in dinero.gateways.AuthorizeNet? try: return gateway.refund(self, amount or self.price) except exceptions.PaymentException: if amount is None or amount == self.price: return gateway.void(self) else: raise exceptions.PaymentException( "You cannot refund a transaction that hasn't been settled" " unless you refund it for the full amount." )
[docs] def settle(self, amount=None): """ If you create a transaction without settling it, you can settle it with this method. It is possible to settle only part of a transaction. If ``amount`` is None, the full transaction price is settled. """ gateway = get_gateway(self.gateway_name) return gateway.settle(self, amount or self.price)
def __setattr__(self, attr, val): if attr in ['gateway_name', 'transaction_id', 'price', 'data']: self.__dict__[attr] = val else:[attr] = val @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dict): return cls(dict['gateway_name'], dict['price'], dict['transaction_id'], **dict['data'] ) def __repr__(self): return "Transaction({gateway_name!r}, {price!r}, {transaction_id!r}, **{data!r})".format(**self.to_dict()) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Transaction): return False return self.transaction_id == other.transaction_id